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Extracurricular Activities

After-school programs and extracurricular activities provide a richer environment to help students learn and grow. At the Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies, students have access to a variety of programs and activities to explore their interests.

To view what is happening within the Cincinnati Public School district, visit the CPS District calendar. AMIS is proud to host many cultural events throughout the year. We are proud to have a state of the art cafetorium stage to use for our events. All events are practiced for the entire school during the school day, as a dress rehearsal, and then performed for our families in the evening.

AMIS Student Performances include:

  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • WinterFest
  • Black History Month
  • Dia de Los Niños

Each month, AMIS PTO and Grupo de Padres Unidos also meet to celebrate school successes and problem-solve school issues.