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Our School

We are a Spanish immersion school located near Roselawn. We are a magnet school, and proud to be part of the Cincinnati Public School district. Any Preschool-8 student living in the CPS district can be an AMIS Puma.

Immersion is a research-based method of teaching students to understand, speak, read and write in a new language. Not only do AMIS teachers teach Spanish, they teach in Spanish. Students learn their math, science and social studies content in their foreign language. This means our students learn more than conversational Spanish, they learn the academic language as well. Studies have shown time and time again that being bilingual gives students an academic edge, not to mention how good it looks on a resume.

Students at AMIS are taught by an incredibly diverse staff. Teachers at AMIS are dedicated to fostering a climate of acceptance and academic rigor. As a Kagan Cooperative Learning school, AMIS is proud to teach students the collaborative and leadership skills they will need as they enter the work force. We pride ourselves on the fact that our students, a very diverse group themselves, leave AMIS willing and able to work with people who are very different from themselves.