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Imagine that you go on a trip to Spain. Everyone around you speaks Spanish. The signs in the streets are in Spanish. The menu at McDonald's is in Spanish! You are immersed in Spanish. This is the best way to learn a new language.

AMIS's immersion works in the same way!

AMIS serves as a dual immersion program, which means students who speak Spanish at home are immersed in English, while their English-speaking peers are immersed in Spanish. We also offer English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for our English language learners. The goal is to develop bilingualism/biliteracy, academic achievement, and cross-cultural competencies for all students. 

To achieve this goal at AMIS, 50 percent of the content is taught in Spanish and 50 percent of the content is taught in English. 

*Remember, AMIS does not teach Spanish as a separate subject in the same way that most traditional high schools do. At AMIS, our students are taught in Spanish. Students learn their math, science and social studies content in their foreign language. Students leave kindergarten speaking, reading and writing in their second language.

Program Goals and Expectations